Manivela Discraft línea Z - rosa (175-176 g)

This Discraft Crank Z Line disc is a great addition to your disc golf bag. With a speed rating of 13 and a glide rating of 5, this ultra durable pink disc is sure to fly far and straight to the target. Its weight of 175-176g and disc plastic type make it a reliable choice for any throw. Overall stability rating is a 1.3 making it a solid choice for long accurate distance shots. The Crank model is a distance driver with a turn (right) rating of -2 and a fade (left) rating of 2. It is manufactured in the United States by Discraft, a trusted brand in the disc golf industry. This item comes in a unit quantity of 1 and is a strong disc to improve your game. 9.99/10 in terms of condition of the disc. Tested once. Almost perfectly new. No ink.
