Chiusura strap.
Freidora dietética que permite cocinar con una sola cucharada de aceite, consiguiendo unos resultados más sanos. 1700 W de potencia para cocinar de manera rápida todos los platos. Tiempo ajustable de 0 a 60 minutos.
The Spectra S2 Hospital Grade Double Electric Breast Pump is simple and easy to use. It has a closed system to prevent milk backflow which makes it safe and hygienic for you and your baby. It has powerful, fully adjustable suction which includes a massage mode to encourage letdown and the ability to adjust suction strength and cycle speed to best suit your body.
Ingredienti contenuti in Humana 1 Latte per Lattanti.
Excellent used condition.
Tilasmi moti or Tlismi moti is one wonder solution for your child’s teething problems. The small pendant is known and used in many parts of India for centuries. It eases the teething process and help your child teething smoothly without any pain, bad health and trouble.
I materiali sono tutti di qualità: tettarella in gomma naturale, mascherina in polipropilene, 100% senza BPA, PVC e ftalati, per un ciuccio leggero, resistente e ultra sicuro! E anche bellissimo: ha un design nordico dall'appeal contemporaneo ed è disponibile in una gamma di splendidi colori, tutti da collezionare.