Dönges Pferdegasse gefülltes Set mit vier Balken à 300 x 17 x 10 cm (reitsport). 2 Stück Pferdegasse gelb. 2 Stück Pferdegasse blau. Aufgrund der praktischen Unterteilungen lassen sich die rechteckigen Balken kompakt falten und mühelos in unterschiedlichsten Formationen auslegen.
Pferdescherkopf Size 15W/1,0 mm. Heiniger SAPHIR Scherköpfe sind kompatibel mit Schermaschinen von Moser, Oster, Andis und Wahl.
The whip is made to the highest standard, as the pictures clearly show. This whip will suit anyone who wants to start whip cracking. The nylon fall makes it virtually unbreakable. See the product in action.
Druigel è un gel con effetto defaticante e antinfiammatorio a base di Arnica Montana. Adatto ad animali anziani, Druigel allevia, nel 90% dei casi, i loro problemi di dolore cronico (artriti, infiammazioni) dovute all'età avanzata, migliorando così il loro benessere generale.
GFS GP / Jump Saddle 17" ,Wide Fit 10" across D's ,Square Cantle Quite Forward Cut ,has Velcro for Knee and Thigh Blocks (not included),is an older saddle but in good used condition.
LeMieux Hobby Horse Toys. Get your child ready for horseback riding. For The Horse. Hook & Loop Mouth To Hold Accessories. Whether you are a "happy hacker", competition rider or country lover, we believe that your Oakfield experience will be enjoyable and worthwhile.
Xplorer Akku Vieh und Pferdeschermaschine. Heiniger Xplorer Vieh und Pferdeschermaschine. Die kabellose Vieh- und Pferde-Schermaschine Xplorer ist mit der neusten Li-Ion Batterie Technologie ausgestattet.
Exercises in these videos are intended for riders of all levels of experience and all disciplines, as well as horses of all breeds. There is a brief review of groundwork exercises that Clinton feels are necessary to prepare both horse and rider for successful riding lessons.