Italiano: Upgrade Anno 2000 (Bugfix anno 2000). Upgrade Year 2000 (Bugfix year 2000). MULTIPLAN v1.0. ROM con il programma MS MULTIPLAN (foglio elettronico per M10 Olivetti e compatibili). ROM with the MS MULTIPLAN program (spreadsheet for M10 Olivetti and compatibles).
Das CM4 Adapter Board ermöglicht Ihren PiStorm32 Lite mit einem Raspberry Pi CM4 ComputeModul auszurüsten und externe I/O Ports an der Backdoor des Amiga1200 auszuschleifen. Das CM4 Modul muss zwingend gekühlt werden und Sie benötigen einen PiStorm32 Lite Adapter.
Maxon CINEMAFONT, ORIGINAL Disk und Anleitung. Unbenutzt mit leichten "LAGER" gebraucht Spuren, siehe Original Bilder.
1x MOS 901486-01 Commodore VIC 20 - ROM BÁSICA Commodore ROM MOS 100% original, probada y funcionando imagen original ¡Probado y FUNCIONA! MOS 901486-01 Commodore VIC 20 - ROM BÁSICA Commodore. ROM MOS 100% original, probada y funcionando.
Not include CPU or chip! Need to provide the chip yourself and assemble it.
Din MSX Cable Connector - Cassette Deck.
Connect favourite USB keyboard to your Amiga 500 500+ CDTV 2000 3000 computer! Software reset is done with LCTRL+LALT+DEL or LCTRL+LWIN+RWIN combination. Reset should be connected using attached adapter cable to pin as on pictures.
3D Printed repair case clips. Can be glued in place or screwed. Drill pilot hole to make position, then a 3mm hole through casing. Screw from rear of casing. I sell the screws. A600 Version 4 clips. no screws.