Book Title Feel-Good Productivity: How to Do More of What Matters to You. Comienza presentando los tres "energizantes" que hacen que el trabajo sea estimulante en lugar de agotador: poder, juego y personas.
Molecular Cell Biology: International Edition. Author:Scott, Matthew P. Book Binding:Hardback. Book Condition:VERYGOOD. Each month we recycle over 2.3 million books, saving over 12,500 tonnes of books a year from going straight into landfill sites.
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Author:Heyerdahl, Thor. Book Binding:Paperback / softback. The Kon-Tiki Expedition. Each month we recycle over 2.3 million books, saving over 12,500 tonnes of books a year from going straight into landfill sites.
Que tu cuento valga la pena. Edicion Oficial. NO ESTÁN INCLUIDOS en el precio del artículo ni en los gastos de envío. Envío a todo el mundo (excepto los países que se muestran en el envío). Y el detrás de escenas de la serie.
This textbook is a must-have for any medical student or practitioner specializing in Internal Medicine. It contains the latest medical knowledge and research from some of the most well-respected authors in the field, including Joseph Loscalzo, Stephen Hauser, Anthony S. Fauci, Dennis L. Kasper, and Dan Longo. The book is an international edition and contains 4384 pages of valuable information.The book is in mixed lot format, and its length, height, and width are 11.7in, 4.7in, and 8.9in, respectively. It weighs 228.6 Oz and was published in 2022 by the McGraw-Hill Medical Publishing Division. The book's title is Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, Twenty-First Edition (Vol. 1 & Vol. 2) and was released on March 28, 2022.
Author:Elzbieta Ostrowska. Need help?. World of Books Ltd was founded in 2005, recycling books sold to us through charities either directly or indirectly. Each month we recycle over 2.3 million books, saving over 12,500 tonnes of books a year from going straight into landfill sites.