Reverse: The denomination "25 Mils" in Hebrew and Arabic; the date in Hebrew; two stylized olive branches. Until those were ready, a coin with a value of 25 mil was issued. The first coin in the new series, a 50 pruta coin, was only entered into circulation on May 11, 1949.
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Emiratos Árabes Unidos Emiratos Árabes Unidos Pinturas Infantiles Juego de Cuatro Valores Fdc
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Envío URGENTE. POLITICA (IMOSVER)Ayestaran, Mikel. Cuando Mikel Ayestaran decidió convertirse en reportero de guerra no tuvo demasiadas dudas sobre hacia dónde iba a dirigir sus pasos. Viajero empedernido, en 2004 Ayestaran no dudó en regresar a Bam para cubrir el terremoto que arrasó la ciudad iraní.
Lot 8 Islamic Muslim Bortherhood مجلة لواء الإسلام الإخوان المسلمون عبدالله عزام. Lot 8 Islamic Muslim Bortherhood مجله لواء الاسلام الاخوان المسلمون عبداللة عزام. LOTS OF Issue 8, part of Liwaa al-Islam magazine Abdullah Azzam Muslim Brotherhood #6&8&10&4&11&1&2&9 1989.
Squirrelfish (Sargocentron diadema). Crown Squirrelfish live in coral reefs. Bright red in color silvery-white stripes, they are characterized by their large eyes, rough scales and large spines. Their acoustic displays include grunting noises to attract their mates and to threaten predators.