LAND AND ECONOMY IN ANCIENT PALESTINE By Jack Pastor - Hardcover *Excellent Condition*.
Le luci a LED un'atmosfera calda e invitante, perfetta per ogni celebrazione. Si prega di notare che questo prodotto non viene fornito con batterie. -Effetto luminoso a LED: adotta una sorgente luminosa a LED, luminosa, durevole, buona decorazione per la scrivania.
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EAN: 9781108493628. Threats and Alliances in the Middle East: Saudi and Syrian Policies in a Turbulent Region. By engaging in significant debates about the role identity and material power in shaping state behaviour in the Middle East, this study has significant implications for international relations theory and beyond.
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Christian Arabic Christianity خلقتنى إنسانا من هو الإنسان ؟ ولماذا خلق ؟. Christian Arabic Christianity خلقتني انسانا من هو الانسان ؟ ولماذا خلق ؟. Who is a human being?. Why was he created?. How does he rise to the perfection of his existence?.